We do not promote or encourage the use of credit cards. Using a credit card for expenses means that you are adding new debt instead of using your income. Therefore, using debt to pay for daily (or any) expenses is not recommended, nor does it make sense.
With EveryDollar Premium, many major banks with associated credit card accounts can be connected to EveryDollar.
However, EveryDollar was not designed to use credit card debt to pay for expenses, but here are some suggestions on how to track credit card spending:
- Don't track the individual expenses paid on the card. List the balance in the "Debt" section and enter the payment transaction when you pay off the card.
- If you do pay the card off each month, you could enter every transaction made on the card, but don't record when you pay it off. (Basically, just break down the credit card payment down into all the individual purchases.)