Fast track is a premium feature that helps you budget faster by making tracking suggestions based on your spending habits. So, when you see a fast track suggestion, all you have to do is tap it, click it, or drag the transaction coin to it—for instant tracking. This feature works in both mobile and web versions.
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Connect Your Bank
First, to use fast track, you’ll need to connect your bank. Once those transactions start streaming in to your budget, you’ll be able to start tracking them. After you’ve tracked them for a little while, fast track will catch on and make suggestions based on what you’ve spent in the past and where you categorized it.
Tap/Click Suggestions
On your transaction screen, fast track pairs a transaction with a suggestion. You’ll see the suggestion circled by a dotted blue line. All you have to do is tap or click it, and that item will be saved to that budget line.
Drag Coins to Suggestions
On your budget’s home screen, when you press and hold a transaction coin, fast track makes a suggestion and it pops up on the right side of your screen. You can drag the coin to this suggested budget line instead of scrolling all the way through your budget to find it.