When you transfer money between accounts, it's like moving money from your left pocket to your right pocket; it's still your money regardless of which pocket it's in! So, when you transfer money from one bank account to another, you can delete both of the transfer transactions that show up in your EveryDollar budget. (Transfers will normally show up as an (-) expense transaction and an (+) income transaction).
EveryDollar is meant to track any income coming in and any expenses going out. It is not meant to keep track of what account the money is being spent from. Any time you actually receive money or spend money, you should be tracking a transaction. Anytime you transfer money from one account to another, you should not be tracking a transaction as no money was actually being spent.
When you transfer money from your checking account to one of your savings "funds", remember to enter the amount you’re depositing into the “Planned” section of the fund. This deposit will automatically be added to the balance of the fund so that you can keep track of how much money you’ve set aside and put towards your savings for the month.
💡 Pro Tip: Keeping all of your fund items together under the Savings group in EveryDollar may help you stay more organized.