Sometimes a transaction with a previous month’s date will end up on the current month’s budget and also tracked in the current month. This is typically because there is an assumption that EveryDollar will automatically put that transaction in the previous month. EveryDollar does not automatically track a transaction to a previous month’s budget so it requires users to view the correct month’s budget before tracking that transaction. No worries!
How to move a tracked transaction to a different month:
1. Tap on the Budget Item that contains the transaction you want to move.
2. The Budget Item detail card will pop up on the page.
3. Tap the transaction you would like to move.
4. Tap the red circle with the white line through it, and that will remove the transaction from that Budget Line and put it back in your general Transactions Queue. Then tap Done at the top right.
5. Go back to the main Budget page and tap the month at the top of the screen, then select the month's budget to which you want to assign the transaction.
6. When you're in that correct month, tap the blue circle at the bottom of the screen to open the Transactions Queue.
7. Tap and drag the transaction into the correct Budget Line, and you're done!