Is your "Remaining" amount showing as negative in your budget?
You may be wondering, "Why does my remaining amount show a negative when I haven't spent all that was planned for that budget item?"
Great question! Most likely, your "Safe to Spend" feature is toggled ON!
When Safe to Spend is toggled on, each budget item's remaining amount will show what is safe to spend based on your paycheck plan.
Here's an example of what it looks like to have Safe to Spend toggled ON:
Let's say I have $500 PLANNED to spend on Groceries for November. In my Paycheck Planner, the date I have entered for Groceries is November 24.
If I spend $150.00 and track that to Groceries before November 24, here is what the SPENT tab looks like:
With Safe to Spend on, here is what the REMAINING tab looks like:
Why does it show a negative amount?
Based on my Paycheck Planner schedule, the date entered for Groceries is November 24.
This means EveryDollar is sending me a flag that it may not be safe to spend from my Groceries budget item before November 24.